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About Me & Clickable Gallery


I was drawn to Alaska for years before I finally moved there over a decade ago. I took the position of Executive Director of Copper River seafood in Cordova, a bush community only accessible by plane or boat. Between this role and a later one of Executive Director for a trails organization with a 25,000 square mile territory, I was fortunate to experience the state in ways many others have not.
Recently, for many small reasons, I've decided to "come out" (Alaska speak) during winter. I spend fall, winter, and spring in British Columbia and America's Pacific Northwest. I often make the road trip (with my dog and a 10-foot teardrop trailer) to Florida and back (when temps are tolerable) to spend time with my 88 year old father. Every spring, I make the trek back up to Alaska to operate a tourism business I started. When the summer ends, I return south once more, and the annual cycle continues. 

After taking many passengers to and from, and leading other RVing friends as well, I now offer this opportunity to other adventurous travelers seeking community, safety, and fun. I'm excited to share the road - as well as my favorite stops on the way and places I love in AK - with like-minded people. Join us on the road to Alaska and experience the adventure of a lifetime.

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